With ETIFOR, we support reforestation efforts.
To reduce the environmental impact of our activities, we have chosen various actions to implement in our company, such as energy savings, the use of renewable sources, and one particular action that is very close to our hearts: planting trees to support reforestation. Our collaboration with ETIFOR’s WOWnature, a spin-off of the University of Padua that helps companies become “Climate Positive” by leveraging nature through innovative and good governance policies, will allow us to reforest an area severely damaged by the Vaia storm in 2018.
WOWnature is the world’s first initiative that allows citizens, institutions, and companies to grow new forests and protect existing ones, following the highest standards of forest management such as Forest Stewardship Council® certification.
With WOWnature, we will plant over 200 trees (spruce, beech, and larch) in Enego, an FSC® certified area severely devastated by the Vaia cyclone that toppled millions of trees within a few hours. Today, this area in the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni of Asiago is devoid of the magnificent forests that once surrounded it, but thanks to our support, we can take another step towards restoring these wonderful forests and renew our awareness of the importance of safeguarding the environment.
After planting these trees, BERICAH S.p.A. will continue to provide dedicated maintenance for the first three years of their lives, fulfilling our commitment and certifying it through a document that confirms their planting and protection.
Planting trees in this area means recognizing its environmental value and historical importance. It is one of the largest and most well-known green lungs in Veneto and Italy.
All this is possible thanks to the owners and managers of the forests in Enego, who immediately offered their participation.
The WOWnature initiative is also supported by institutions and individuals who care about forests and understand their invaluable worth.
Planting and protecting these trees helps us offset CO2 emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.
We, at BERICAH S.p.A., are proud to contribute to the reforestation of the forest and, above all, to this territory we are part of, which still has so much to offer future generations.
Supporting the Environment has Rewarded Us
Our contribution is confirmed by Imprendigreen, an acknowledgment to companies for their voluntary commitment to sustainability. It recognizes the implementation of practices and actions that benefit the environment, such as reducing resource consumption and environmental impact, combating climate change, promoting new technologies for circular economy, and reusing materials, among others.
The actions of Bericah S.p.A. have earned the highest score from the national commission Confcommercio-imprese in collaboration with the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. These actions align with both national and international criteria set by the United Nations and outlined in the EU’s Agenda 2030,
the “Sustainable Development Goals”.
What is Imprendigreen?
Imprendigreen by Confcommercio is a set of actions aimed at raising awareness, training, and guiding companies in transitioning from a linear economy to a circular economy. It helps seize all the opportunities that European and national programs and funds will introduce in the coming years to innovate production models, distribution, and service offerings.
Why is it important?
The ecological transition represents a development opportunity and a strategic area for investment, especially in a future where it is necessary to rethink development, consumption, and production models in a green perspective.
The European Green Deal and the Italian Pnrr have allocated substantial financial resources to modernize and innovate the entrepreneurial fabric and society as a whole in a sustainable way. This is in line with implementing the Agenda 2030 and achieving the sustainable development goals, considering all dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social.
Confcommercio aims to contribute to the achievement of the goals set by the United Nations, recognizing the urgency of the historical moment and the moral and social duty to actively participate in building a low-carbon and climate-safe future. This includes fostering a dynamic green economy, a prosperous and inclusive society, and a healthy environment.
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